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Sepulchral beliefs, architecture and rituals in the ancient Egypt of Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom

This work describes the basic facts about the sepulchral culture of the ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of the Nile Valley have elaborated one of the most complicated and interesting attitude to the topic of death and eschatology. Basing on the information available in the scientific publications, mostly translated into Polish, work covers the three main aspects of the sepulchral culture, after the short historical introduction in the first section.

Section two describes shortly the eschatology of the ancient Egypt, focusing on the Ozyrian myth and the beliefs on the afterlife.

Section three presents customs and rituals connected to the burial process as well as wide selection of the tools and magical items used within it.

Section four briefly describes the sepulchral architecture of the ancient Egypt, presenting the basic design of tombs and selected examples of monumental pyramids.


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